A comment emailed to me from Ed Johnson: There is existential fear of existing, and non-existing. Hence dualistic mind distracts itself in a "made" world. Taking refuge in the "known luminosity" of the Mother, Dharmakaya, Eternal, then flow into Rupakaya (Sambogakaya; Nirmanakaya). Merge them ("mother and child reunion, only a moment away" was a popular song) which actually are One. May be a "Dark Night of the Soul," but transmutes to Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi (complete perfect enlightenment), and one may abide in Pure Land (Consciousness as distinguished from the Absolute, Parabrahman, in Maharaj's view?) The Word is Spirit. It can be noticed to ramify as the entire universe. Q: Who do men say I am? A: Some say Elijah... John: Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. A: ...(on this) I'll build my Church. Flesh and blood has not revealed it to you. Course in Miracles states we are and have been and will be in Truth, the One Christ, currently enthralled in the ego's projection which "makes" (not creates) perception.
A comment emailed to me from Ed Johnson: There is existential fear of existing, and non-existing. Hence dualistic mind distracts itself in a "made" world. Taking refuge in the "known luminosity" of the Mother, Dharmakaya, Eternal, then flow into Rupakaya (Sambogakaya; Nirmanakaya). Merge them ("mother and child reunion, only a moment away" was a popular song) which actually are One. May be a "Dark Night of the Soul," but transmutes to Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi (complete perfect enlightenment), and one may abide in Pure Land (Consciousness as distinguished from the Absolute, Parabrahman, in Maharaj's view?) The Word is Spirit. It can be noticed to ramify as the entire universe. Q: Who do men say I am? A: Some say Elijah... John: Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. A: ...(on this) I'll build my Church. Flesh and blood has not revealed it to you. Course in Miracles states we are and have been and will be in Truth, the One Christ, currently enthralled in the ego's projection which "makes" (not creates) perception.