Mel I very much appreciate what you do and I wish I had more time and motivation to go deeper into support

Ing grown up approaches to diaspora Tibetan Buddhism. But not right now. I am completing a biography of Zina Rachevsky. Google her. I am co author of Sex and Violence in Tibetan Buddhism with Rob Hogendoorn. Suggest you check it out. Lama Tsultrim Allione and I first met in 1969. We have been friends ever since I totally respect and admire her.

Best wishes Mary Finnigan


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Thank you, Mary. I am familiar with the Sogyal scandal and your book, although I haven't read it thoroughly because I had done some research on his story. I just picked your book up again and will read more of it. I'll probably want to quote from it as I write the chapter in my book-in-progress about choosing a teacher and moving on when it's time. I'll put you on my "street list" to be offered an advance version and request a blurb or Amazon review. Zina's story looks fascinating. I look forward to learning more.

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